Welcome to Heart Shaped Earth!

11 Reasons Why We Clearly Live on a Heart Shaped Earth:  A Movement for Truth, Love, and “Real“ Sacred Geometry 😉

Because Love is the Center of the Universe

Scientists claim gravity holds the Earth together, but we all know it’s Love. A Heart Shaped Earth proves that the planet literally can’t survive without good vibes, which is what we’re all about. The flat earth has no heart, it flatlined a long time ago, and the globe earth, well it’s just not as fun, spheres are boring.                                                                           

Heartbeats Explain Earthquakes

What are earthquakes if not the earth’s way of having a heart-to-heart with us? Those tremors? The planet’s heartbeat! Seismologists just don’t want to admit they’ve been reading the earth’s vibrations all wrong.

The Poles are Just the Dip and Tip of the Heart

Everyone talks about the North and South Poles, but they fail to realize these are the top and bottom, or the dip and tip points of Earth’s heart shape. Earth‘s hidden history has revealed that the North and South Poles of our Heart Shaped Earth are shaped the way because it’s the gateway to the center of Earth’s Heart.

Because Spheres Are Boring

Honestly, who even likes spheres anymore? They’re overrated. We deserve an Earth that looks like the cute, anatomically inaccurate hearts we scribble and draw, especially on Valentine’s Day. If we’re going to live in joy on this planet, then let our planet have a fun personality… and cute curves!

Rainbows Are Proof

Ever noticed how rainbows are curved, but not into a full circle? That’s because they’re shaped by the Earth’s loving embrace. The curve of the rainbow aligns perfectly with the Earth’s top arc if you just squint hard enough and believe.

Our System of Belief

Belief is what makes this world Heart Shaped. We are the master manifesters of this movement, so believe with us, and you too can join our movement, which occasionally involves randomly dancing in public, hence this being a “movement”.

Gravity Has Been Misunderstood

Gravity is just the Earth hugging us close with its giant heart shaped arms. That’s why we don’t fly off into space because the Earth loves us too much to let go. Flat earthers can’t explain this, globe earthers can’t feel this, but we embrace this!

Heart Shaped Earth Explains the Seasons

Winter is the Earth’s “resting heartbeat face”. Summer is the Earth’s “I’m in love” glow up face. Fall and spring are just emotionally fun mood swings. A sphere or flat earther couldn’t possibly process its feelings this well. Or look this good!

Satellite Images are a Conspiracy

NASA has been photoshopping Earth to look like a sphere for decades. Why? Because the true heart shaped Earth is too emotionally powerful for the public to witness and understand. Their CGI images prove they’re hiding something but we all know that you can’t hide Love.

The Moon is in Love with Us

The Moon doesn’t orbit the Earth because of gravity, it orbits because it’s hopelessly in love with our heart shaped magnificence, and who can blame it? The tides? Just the Earth getting excited whenever the moon gets too close.

Heart Shaped Earth Proves We’re Special

Do you really think our planet is some boring sphere or pancake in a random universe? No way. The Earth is heart shaped because it’s a cosmic valentine from Source itself.

Other planets might be spheres, but they don’t have what we have: heart shaped Love and Kindness.

Ancient Cultures Knew the Truth Look at ancient maps— some say they were always wrong, but were they really? Some civilizations depicted the Earth with curves that suspiciously resemble a heart. Why? Because they understood what modern science is too cold to admit that our Heart Shaped Earth is eternally alive and timeless.

It Just Feels Right Look deep into your soul. Do you feel like you’re standing on a sphere or a flat plane? No. You feel Love. That’s because you’re standing on a giant, heart shaped planet that truly cares about you. Trust your heart, trust your instincts, forget about the agencies of deceit and feel the love that surround you.

The Movement’s Rallying Quote:

“A Flat Earth is heartless. A Round Earth is spineless. A Heart Shaped Earth is the only Earth with the courage to Love.”

Go forth, spread the truth, and remind everyone that the Earth loves them. Even if it doesn’t make sense, neither does Love, and that’s the beauty of it all.

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